Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Letter of Introduction

My name is Tyler Ziolkowski I am 23 years old and I will turn 24 on September 6th. My major is nursing and I eventually want to get my LPN license. I have a 2 year old daughter that means everything in the world to me; she is very energetic and loves the outdoors. I have lived in St. Joseph, Missouri my whole life. My future goal is to become a registered nurse and work in a hospital. I picked that career field because I have always wanted to do something were I can work around people and help them out at the same time

My previous experience with reading has not been so great. While I was in school I never wanted to read anything, even if it was a short story. But once I finally gave it a chance I don’t really mind it. The last book that I read was “crank” by Ellen Hopkins. I don’t know if it was just that particular book or I just really don’t mind reading now because I loved the book, from the plot, the roles that the characters portrayed to the ending of the book. It was a very good book

My previous writing experience has not been bad. I have felt comfortable writing for as long as I can remember even after I graduated from high school. Although when I was in elementary school I can remember when I hated to write anything. I think I hated it so much I didn’t even like to write my name on the paper, let alone finish the assignment. But once I reached middle school it was completely different. I would write all the time. I never have many great ideas to write about but I just like to write about anything and everything in general.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tyler,

    Thank you for sharing. I too have read part of "Crank" by Ellen Hopkins. It is as I remember in poem format, correct? The author is very creative in how she constructs her novels. I'm certainly happy that you enjoyed it.

    I hope that together we will regain your interest in reading. Unfortunately as we are in college, there is much much much reading and it is difficult to maintain interest. I always encourage students/peers to read during moments of the day where they are energetic. It might help.

    Ms. Chastain
